We encourage all members to participate in the Class of 1975 Reunion Giving Campaign as a way to honor your class and support our beloved alma mater. All gifts, at any level, will count towards the Class of 1975 Reunion Goal for the year. This will include annual gifts, multi-year pledges and planned gifts through your financial or estate plans. Special opportunities for the campaign include representation in the new Elizabeth Miller Strickland Scholarship Plaza and the possibility of matching funds to further increase the impact of your collective investment. Please consider making a gift today.
Annual Gift
Make an impact this year with a gift of cash or stock. You can designate your gift to the Alumni Memorial Scholarship Endowment, the HPU Fund for Extraordinary Education (provides annual scholarship support for students) or a more specific area of your choosing.
You may choose to make a more substantial impact through a three to five year pledge by establishing a scholarship endowment or creating a legacy through a campus naming opportunity. For more information, or to begin your pledge today, contact the Office of Alumni Engagement at alumni@highpoint.edu or (336) 841-9548.
Planned Gift
Become a member of the University's Sterling Society when you remember the University in your estate or by making HPU a beneficiary of a retirement account or insurance policy. To notify us of your planned gift or for more information on the Sterling Society, please click here.