
Mr. Charles Cain, P General Counsel & CAO, P&L Development, LLC
Dr. Donald Cameron President & CEO, Don Cameron & Associates


Mr. Tom Carpenter '69 Owner, Cardinal of Georgia, Inc.
Mr. Mike Carr ’70 Owner - Retired, Carr Properties, LLC


Mr. Ed Charles, P Vice President, Business Development, The Alderman Company
Dr. Barry Cheek Cardiologist, Carolina Cardiology Cornerstone


Dr. Anthony Clarke President, Guilford Technical Community College
Mrs. Rachel Moss Collins COO, Business High Point Chamber of Commerce


Mr. Dave Combs Owner, Combs Music
Mr. John Conrad, P Executive Director, International Society of Furniture Designers


Mrs. Lisa Cook CEO, Camco Manufacturing, Inc.
Mr. Gary Cooper ’77 Vice President, Business Development, Residential Mortgage Corp.


Mr. Doug Copeland, Jr. Executive Director of Furnitureland, Furnitureland South, Inc.
Mrs. Barbara Coughlin Nonprofit Management Professional, Community Leader


Mr. David Covington President - Retired Four Star Hoisery Mills
Mrs. Katherine Covington Community Leader


Mrs. Kristine Cox Vice President, Rowland Woodworking, Inc.
Mr. R. Braxton Culler Chairman of the Board, Braxton Culler, Inc.

Dr. Frosty Culp Dentist - Retired, Harry R. Culp, DDS
Mr. Iv Culp, IV President and CEO, Culp, Inc.


Mrs. Leslie Culp Board Member, Nido and Mariana Qubein Children's Museum
Mrs. Susan Culp Community Leader

Mr. Andrew Cumby Manager, Cumby Family Funeral Service