The President’s Leadership Cabinet (PLC) is comprised of philanthropic families who believe in the God, Family and Country values and Premier Life Skills Education that High Point University provides. PLC families work collaboratively with University leadership to plant seeds of greatness in the minds and hearts of HPU students.
President’s Leadership Cabinet investors typically make an annual gift of $10,000 or more to the HPU Fund for Extraordinary Education, providing support for the University's highest prorities and the $75 million in scholarship assistance to High Point’s extraordinary students each year. Through their philanthropic investment and advocacy, PLC investors make a measurable and immediate impact at HPU by:
- Investing in the present and future of High Point University
- Setting an example of service and generosity for HPU students
- Witnessing the impact of philanthropy on HPU students
In addition to recognition in the President’s Circle Annual Honor Roll of Donors, PLC investors are provided a number of opportunities through the Gratitude Program. Additional details about the Gratitude Program and a printable version are available below.

For more information about the President’s Leadership Cabinet and its associated philanthropic opportunities along with our Gratitude Program, please contact our Family Engagement team at family@highpoint.edu or 336-841-9731.
Best Regards,

Amanda Arnold Viracola
Manager of Family Programs
*High Point University is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Gifts to the University are tax-deductible to the extent allowed under Federal Law and IRS tax code. Please consult your tax or accounting professional for further guidance.